Saturday, March 26, 2011

Inaugural Montreal International Poetry Prize - $50,000 prize

An new poetry competition has been announced. Billed as the biggest poetry competition in history, Montreal International Poetry Prize has a $50,000 prize for the winning poem. The winner will be selected by Andrew Motion, a former British Poet Laureate from 1999 to 2009.

They accept submissions from around the world. Submissions must be in English and no more than 40 lines. They must be unpublished and original works by a single author. The top 50 finalists will be published in an anthology by VĂ©hicule Press in the fall. They will also publish a longer e-anthology of the top 150 poems.

The Early Entry Deadline is 11:59pm on April 22 2011, which the Final Entry Deadline at a slightly higher entry fee is 11:59pm on July 8 2011. The fees are lower for "developing" nations and for additional entries by the same person.

The Montreal International Poetry Prize


- All entries must be in English (we accept and encourage all English dialects)
- It’s OK to use a few non-English words and phrases
- Poems must be no more than 40 lines long (not including title, a brief epigraph, blank lines, etc.)
- All entrants must be the age of majority at the time of entry. You can go here for an unofficial list of the age of majority in different countries. Please check our Terms & Conditions for more details.
- No simultaneous submissions (i.e. don’t submit your poem(s) anywhere else – to preserve anonymity)
- You do not have to be a published poet to enter!
- All entries must be unpublished and original works of the author (to preserve anonymity and keep a focus on new work)
- A poem is considered to be published according to the criteria in our Terms & Conditions
- Translations are not eligible. Poetry in translation is an art of its own and would require a different structure to ensure a fair handling.
- International Montreal Poetry Prize directors, officers, and employees, representatives or agents, including the editors and prize judge, as well as any of their immediate family members or persons with whom they are domiciled, are not eligible to enter


Early Entry Deadline: 11:59pm Coordinated Universal Time on April 22 2011
Final Entry Deadline: 11:59pm Coordinated Universal Time on July 8 2011


- You have to pay a fee for each poem you enter for the Montreal International Poetry Prize. Your participation helps to make the Montreal Prize a reality!
- Fees are lower for entries from ‘developing’ nations
- This distinction is based on the UN Human Development Index, which you can check here
- Countries not in the UN’s ‘Very High’ category get the lower fee
- If you want to submit more than one poem, each additional entry after your first one is entered at a discounted rate. You can submit as many additional entries as you like!
- All fees are in Canadian dollars (CAD)

Fee Schedule

Fee Category Early Entry Later Entry Additional Entry
Developing Nation $15 $20 $10
Developed Nation $20 $25 $15

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